Wednesday, January 13, 2010

More of My Mental Rube Goldberg Machine

It once again starts with a trip down Farnham Street and ends up with my head spinning.

In the Farnham Street post Can You Measure?, I was led to the article Shape of glass and amount of alcohol poured: comparative study of effect of practice and concentration, with the objective to 
To determine whether people pour different amounts into short, wide glasses than into tall, slender ones

leading to the conclusion
To avoid overpouring, use tall, narrow glasses or ones on which the alcohol level is premarked. To avoid underestimating the amount of alcohol consumed, studies using self reports of standard drinks should ask about the shape of the glass.

which reminded me of two posts over at dy/dan, Don’t Forget Answers, Iteration and What Can You Do With This: Club Soda

changes in size appear smaller when products change in all three dimensions (height, width, and length) than when they change in only one dimension

leading to the conclusions
consumers expect (and marketers offer) steeper quantity discounts when packages and portions are supersized in 3D than when they are supersized in 1D; consumers pour more product into and out of conical containers (in which volume changes in 3D) than cylindrical containers (in which volume changes in 1D); and consumers are more likely to supersize and less likely to downsize when package and portion sizes change in 1D than when they change in 3D.

which reminded me of the blog post Price Realization Through Creative Package Sizes over at Iterative Path.

Not sure what this all means. I would like to find a way to use all of this in my classes some time soon.

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